Our members

On this page you will get to know "Our members" and with them the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. Our members will tell you the reason why they are involved in the association and what goals are important to them.

The Chairman

Father Dr. Dr. Jean-Bertrand Madragule Badi OP

What did move me to found in 2004 a “Kongo Project” and to be so committed? The dramatic and catastrophic situation after the Second Congo War 1998-2003 touched my heart. The churches were the only institutions that possessed a functioning infrastructure. I could not complete a Doctorate Degree in Theology at the University of Bonn without worrying while a malaria sick child dies because its parents can not afford medical care. I could not enjoy time knowing that a pregnant woman in The Congo does not survive the birth of her baby, because there is no adequate medical care for them. That was and still is sad daily life in the Democratic Republic of The Congo. And that's why I decided in July 2004 to start with the Kongo Project and in 2014 to found the Association Kongo Social-Care e. V. whose purpose is, to help the needy people in The Democratic Republic of The Congo.

Charles Mbiya

My name is Charles Mbiya and I firmly believe that we all have a responsibility to help the less fortunate. With almost a decade of experience in the field of violence prevention, I have come to realise the importance of action over mere talk in discussion groups. As an able-bodied person, I see it as my duty to help the people of Congo who live in difficult conditions. I believe that each of us has the power to bring about positive change in the world and I want to do my part by joining an organisation that works on improving living conditions in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

I found out about Kongo Social Care Association, while searching for an organisation that works on the ground to help people in need. By reading thoroughly its Website, I learned that the Association, under the Dr Dr Jean-Bertrand Madragule Badi O.P., has a holistic and sustainable approach in helping the underprivileged. Impressed by my finding, I decided to personally contact Dr Dr Jean-Bertrand Madragule Badi O.P. with the hopes of a possible collaboration. He spontaneously invited me to his Dominican convent in Liège (Belgium), where we had a meal together and extensive discussions about his organisation.

I am happy and proud to be part of Kongo Social-Care Association

Dr. Lars Stank

Infant and maternal mortality is very high in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Over and over again the population suffers from partly deadly infectious diseases and many people in the country have no access to clean drinking water. Such deficits are rarely reported by the media in this country. Therefore, it is, in my opinion, so important that non-profit organisations such as the Kongo Social-Care e. V. takes action against these problems and makes us aware. And I can be sure with this association that the support really arrives there where it is most needed.

Monika Daniel und Arthur Siering

My name is Monika Daniel, I live in Anrath. I am retired and have "endless time". I always wanted to do charitable work, but I never found the right thing till I heard from a friend of mine about Pater Badi and his hospital project. This project seemed to have a lot of sense.

What convinced me above all others, was the idea that the work is worth it and no money is wasted. That was really the main reason to join the association. The work and the time are well invested. They give me satisfaction and the so much needed help to the people of The Democratic Republic of the Congo.

My name is Arthur Siering (also retired) and I joined the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. for the same reasons as my wife, Monika Daniel.

In my eyes the membership in the association is a meaningful task to support Pater Badi in his work. I support the association Kongo Social-Care e. V., because it is important for me to share some of the happiness I enjoy every day with others.

Dr. Tanja Mahnecke

Things that are taken for granted, such as electricity, clean drinking water and basic medical care is missing in The Democratic Republic of the Congo. However, these goods are of vital importance, especially for the most vulnerable, children and people suffering from diseases. Only in this way vaccinations and medical equipment can be guaranteed. The goal of the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. is to improve the living conditions of the people in The Congo and I am happy to be a member of this association and support the project.

Linda Bani

In my profession, I am surrounded daily by children. Their honest laugh, their unlimited energy and curiosity and impartiality, with which they encounter new things and people, motivate me day by day in my work.

Some time ago I read an article about a Congolese hospital that is poorly equipped and it mainly exists because of donations. The maternity ward was specially mentioned, because of its precarious conditions - at least for the western part of the world. The locals there, however, are grateful for what they find in the hospital, and especially for any helping hand that take care of them. As the saying goes: “Pictures say more than 1000 words”. I am talking about a new-born, whose mother did not survive the birth. It is malnourished, covered with open skin areas and not healing wounds. The hopelessness and despair in the face of so many infants made me realise, as mother of a 6 months old son: I want to get involved in the project to offer better conditions in the hospitals in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Kongo Social-Care e. V pursues this goal as one of many.

Ultimately, the decision for this initiative is based on a positive feeling - after all there are many non-profit associations, when searching for them.

Barbara Baranowska

In my work as a remedial teacher I meet people who depend on the help of others, so that they can feel well and their lives have a certain quality. The daily encounter with these people sensitised me especially for their needs and requirements. Through my work I try to create an adequate offer for them, oriented towards their needs.

The precarious situation of people in need in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, especially the lack of health care and the limitation of educational opportunities, moved us, Father Badi and me together, to start the Congo health project in 2004. Over the years we could extend the project and significantly improve health care in the area with the support of Action medeor e. V. and many donors with a generous heart. On this background was founded the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. The term Care points out that we are related to one another in our global society, to take care for other people and perceive their needs. Here, the message includes an appeal that we shall not remain indifferent to the distress of others and that we are willing, beyond borders, to open our hearts to the needs of the Congolese brothers and sisters. As co-founder and secretary I look forward to make my contribution to the association.

Dr. Hannah Risse

I support the Congo project because

I am very fascinated by the previous work and successes. I got to know the project about Father Badi OP, because there was the possibility for me to do a clinical traineeship at the Brauhardt clinic; but unfortunately it has not worked out for several reasons. However, I have learned a lot about Kongo Social-Care, e. V., and I am impressed about what has been done there so far and therefore I support the project. In addition, I still hope that there will be the opportunity to get to know the project on site and support the people there.

Veronika and Gregor Baumeister

We live in Krefeld, St. Hubertus Parish. There is where we met Father Badi OP and came to appreciate him.

His project "Kongo Social-Care" must be supported, the many reasons for this have been described in detail by donors in their presentation and there is nothing we can add to it.

We were especially pleased that our community was able to use part of the proceeds from the Christmas Bazaar 2017 for this project. We hope that it can be repeated.

Christa and Ludwig Baumeister

We met Father Badi in Krefeld in our parish St. Hubertus.

We belong to the parish of St. Anna, but we feel connected to our tent church since the beginning of construction.

We wanted to become members some time ago, but as is so often the case, you need a push here and there and then it works.

The last impetus was that our brother and brother-in-law and his dear wife were able to hand over a handsome sum of money to Father Badi for his project through our private carnival event 2020 with dear friends.

Further events and exhibitions will surely follow in order to support the one or other project of Father Badi as much as possible.

Nikolai Mevissen

Nik is married to Stefanie Mevissen. They live with daughter Clara in Süchteln, Germany. Nik and his family have been generously supporting the Project Kongo ever its inception. Following his studies in Management in the Netherlands, Nik worked as a consultant; and for 10 years he served a Project Management at the Waste Management firm in Cologne. Subsequently, he was appointed Operations Manager within the same company. Over the last two years, Nik has been working as an independent consultant providing valuable advice in the field of waste management and recycling. His company, known as CM Umwelt, is based in Tönisvorst (Germany). Stefanie is a school teacher at Körnerschule in Viersen and a head teacher for CE1; whereas Clara is in year at the Erasmus-von-Rotterdam Gymnasium in Viersen. The family enjoy travelling and spending time together with friends and family.