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Call for help: "Only courage! doing good is hard”

Dear Friends,

With a heartfelt gratitude, I am writing you today. Again, we could make a big step forward. After our call for help, we received within a very short time, between 3rd and 5th May, donations in the amount of 1,300.00 EUR. Thanks to your generous help, we were able to purchase the ultrasound probe and ultrasound gel for the transition clinic Brauhardt in Durba (DR Congo) and thanks to the support by Action medeor we were able to ship it. The shipment arrived on 20 June 2017 in Durba. Our friend and co-worker, Mr. Godefroid Mikanda, picked it up in Uganda and brought it to the clinic.

We are very happy that we are almost reaching our goal regarding the implementation of our large project, which is the purchase of an ambulance for The Congo. You certainly remember our letter from November 2016, in which I called for help for the purchase of an ambulance. We have already received 4,000.00 Euros so far. We were particularly pleased that our friends from Krefeld, the Jecken Juppis, had also provided part of their proceeds from this year's carnival meeting and supported the “ambulance project”. By a fortunate circumstance and due to our donation call, we were offered an historic fire-fighting vehicle (type Daimler Benz, LP 709 LF 8). The vehicle has a robust engine and ran only 48,000 km. In the passenger compartment, there are seats for nine persons (including driver). The vehicle is old but still in a good condition and in May 2017 without considerable objection it passed the test by the TÜV. Of course, it would be better an ambulance, but in view of our cash position, we want to accept the donation and ship the vehicle to The Congo.

We have already asked shipping companies located in Belgium and Germany for quotation. The company "Transport Karim" has made the most favourable offer, quoting the transport from Belgium to Kenya (Mombasa) at a price of 3.300,00 Euros. Additional expenses amounting to about 4,000.00 Euros are for customs in Kenya / Mombasa and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Thus, the total cost of transportation is about € 8,000. If we subtract the available funds, we are still missing 4,000.00 €.

As already mentioned, we are on the final straight and we need relatively "few" funds for our goal. For this purpose, we would like to renew our donation call from November 2016 and ask for your support in order to raise missing funds for the transportation of the vehicle. If we all take a few steps, none of us will financially "get out of breath" so quickly. What means a small step for us, is a huge opportunity for the people of The Congo to get, this year, the necessary vehicle to improve their medical care.

Donations for Congo project

Account owner

Kongo Social-Care e. V.

Donation account  

Sparkasse Krefeld


DE15 3205 0000 0000 2770 04



Intended use   

Congo Ambulance

The donations are tax deductible.


Since there is a lot of space in the loading area of the vehicle, we can load additional devices (medical instruments, hospital beds, wheelchairs, chainsaw, emergency power unit, clothes, laptop, etc.). Michael Mevissen takes those things you can contribute with. The address is: Falkenweg 8, 47918 Tönisvorst. (For further information, E-mail: info@kongo-social-care.de or Telephone: +49 234 89 36 04 67).

If you or someone in your circle of friends have medical equipment, etc., and would like to give it away, we are grateful for every help.

In addition to my gratitude and joy about what we have already achieved together, the constant concern about the lack remains. With the call "Only courage! doing good is hard” I would like to thank for everything, and ask you to help us to help. I trust in your kindness and heart warmth and I know that you do not forget the people of The Congo.

God bless you, sincerely.

Jean-Bertrand Madragule Badi (Father Badi OP),

Chairman of the Kongo Social-Care e. V.

Bochum, July 12, 2017

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