Projects in Congo-Kinshasa
Since July 2004, we have started various health projects in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In cooperation with the organisation "Action for Development and Social Well-Being" ("Action pour le Développement et le Bien-être Social" - ADEBES), we support the needy people in the region (help for self-help) in order to permanently improve their living conditions.
We inform people and raise awareness about preventive measures, pregnancy, malaria and infectious diseases, among others. Our priorities are:
- Improvement of basic health system
- Prevention and control of HIV / AIDS
- Prevention and control of malaria
- Care of mothers and their infants
- Education and awareness of hygiene, reproductive health (prevention) and common diseases
- Support for the social development of the region
2012, we built the health station Djabir. Of course, we need the necessary medical equipment and medicines for the hospital. Particularly, we urgently need a surgical table and surgical devices for the care of our patients.
With the founding of our association Kongo Social-Care e. V., we want to expand the existing project work and initiate new social measures. There are still many tasks in the Congo, which we can only tackle together. An African proverb says, "You can’t wash your face using one finger, but using all five fingers together”. With your tangible support, we can deal with poverty locally and make it possible for people to experience the word of the prophet Jeremiah: “Yes, I know what plans I have in mind for you, […] plans for peace, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11).