Klaus-Dieter Deumeland (+68), The Vice-Chairmann died
Dear members, dear supporters and friends of the association Kongo Social-Care e. V.,
Today I'm writing you a sad message.
Since September 2018 I have tried to reach Mr. Klaus-Dieter Deumeland (+68 years), our member and vice chairman of the association Kongo Social-Care e. V., by phone. Unfortunately, I did not succeed. On Monday, 12th November, I reached Mrs. Deumeland. As always, I asked "How are you?" First I heard nothing, then a sigh and then Mrs. Deumeland said: "My husband has passed away!" I was shocked and dismayed and asked her when he deceased. On Friday, 3rd August 2018, she replied. I was very concerned about the sudden death and the awareness of having lost a faithful friend.
Mrs. Deumeland said to me: "I actually lost four people dear Father, Klaus-Dieter was for me husband, counselor, friend and private secretary." After talking almost 30 minutes, Mrs. Deumeland quoted a text from the Gospel of John: "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am" (Jn 14: 3). Mrs. Deumeland is confident and lives in the certainty that Klaus-Dieter, her late husband has gone ahead to prepare for her a place in heaven.
At this point I would like to tell you, how I got to know Klaus-Dieter Deumeland. During my PhD at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Bonn I lived in Cologne. During this time I met Klaus-Dieter in the Cologne Archbishop's Diocesan and Dome Library. Since then we were friends and of course he partook in my graduation ceremony in Bonn in 2005. In difficult situations of my life, he always encouraged me and told me, "Father, do not give up!"
On 17th May 2015, Mr Deumeland became Deputy Chairman of the Kongo Social-Care e. V. He always supported me in personal and legal matters of the association. My last conversation with him was about the privacy policy of our website.
Mr. Klaus-Dieter Deumeland was professor of laws (off duty); Director of the Institute for Independent Legal Opinions, Berlin. He was born in 1950 in Berlin. Friedrich Sesselmann, Bishop of Lebus and Chancellor of Mark Brandburg originates from the family of Deumland's mother. He studied jurisprudence and political science.
Deumeland worked as an assistant at the University of Munich, defender of the artist Joseph Beuys, a member of the scientific board of the journal "Art Law and Copyright", coworker of the collection "Schulze, Jurisdiction to Injustice” (German title: Schulze, Rechtsprechung zum Unrecht); co-founder of the Free International University for Creativity and Interdisciplinary Research e. V.; candidate of the Academic Senate of the University of Osnabrück for the presidency of the university.
Deumeland is internationally known particularly because he published in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Serbian, Finnish, Korean and Indonesian language. Examples: Higher Education Act (comment) (German title: Hochschulrahmengesetzt (Kommentar); Academic Degrees and the Church in Federal Germany; Highway Construction with Environmental Damage by a broken Law (German title: Autobahnbau mit Umweltschäden nach gebrochenem Recht); Delayed Compliance of the Prohibition of Discrimination based on Marriage and Family (German title: Verspätete Beachtung des Benachteiligungsverbotes von Ehe und Familie); Confiscation Possibilities regarding Copyright Infringement, such as in Trademark Law and Patent Law (German title: Einziehungsmöglichkeit bei strafbarer Urheberrechtsverletzung wie im Markenrecht und Patentrecht); Government Liability for Delays in Proceedings by Judges and Experts appointed by the Court (German title: Staatshaftung für Verfahrensverzögerung durch Richter und durch vom Gericht bestellte Sachverständige).
We are all very sad that our member and vice chairman of the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. deceased. Our thoughts are with his family. I'm glad and grateful to have met Klaus Dieter.
We thank Mr. Deumeland for his commitment to the association Kongo Social-Care e. V. and we will always honour his memory.
In the name of all members and the board, we send our condolences to his wife and the whole family and we wish strength and trust in God.
Dr. Dr. Jean-Bertrand Madragule Badi (Pater Badi OP)
Chairman, Kongo Social-Care e. V.
Bochum, 13.11.2018